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Do you think it is important for your company to prioritise wellbeing, particularly if you are a business owner or HR manager? Research shows that companies that prioritise wellbeing have happier staff who are more productive, and who stay with the company for longer. In fact, wellbeing has becomes a such an important factor in employee retention and loyalty, that studies by the Executive Development Network found that the majority of employees would be more likely to leave a job if it did not support their wellbeing.

So what are some signs that your company prioritises wellbeing? 

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You have access to counselling or advice services

A great way to support your employees no matter what they are going through is by providing access to counselling services, whether that is an in person counsellor, or virtual therapy services. If providing counselling services is not financially possible, do your employees feel safe enough to ask you for advice when it comes to mental health issues? And if they do, are you able to give them the support they need by actively listening without judgement, and help them to find appropriate resources to deal with any challenges they face?


Employees feel listened to

Listening means more than just hearing. To be a good listener, it is important to give employees your full attention, not interrupting, and asking follow up questions to fully understand what is being said. It is then important that you take appropriate action based on what they have said.

A wellbeing team plans relevant initiatives 

A wellbeing team can be made up of people whose sole job role is focused on wellbeing, or it could be made up of those with other responsibilities who may meet once or twice a month to focus on employee wellbeing.

Initiatives are relevant when they take into account the needs of the business as a whole, as well as the needs of individuals and teams. They may include initiatives such as:


Opportunities for learning are given

Giving employees opportunities to expand their learning, not only in line with their job role but outside of their job role can help give an sense of job satisfaction and can also help improve levels of self esteem. Perhaps they may be interested in doing a short course to become a first aider, or they may want support in upskilling their career through an apprenticeship, or by getting a NEBOSH qualification to improve their health & safety knowledge.

Health & safety is embedded in company culture

You can’t consider wellbeing without health and safety and you can’t consider health and safety without wellbeing. Caring about your employees wellbeing does not just start at mental health and end there, it means taking into the whole person in to consideration, considering how their job role may affect their physical safety or personal health too. For advice on embedding a more positive approach to health and safety, get in touch with us here today.
