CSCS Card Applications
There are a wide variety of CSCS Cards available. Compass can help you choose the right CSCS card for you. Please call one of our training advisors for more details, or take a look at our site manager NVQs if you are interested in black CSCS cards.
L1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction Environment
The Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment has been developed for those new to, or wanting to enter the construction industry. It has been developed to increase awareness of potential hazards in a construction environment and is an ideal introduction into basic health and safety responsibilities within the industry. It is […]
Health and Safety at Work Act 40th Anniversary
As we prepare to mark the 40th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act this summer, the Daily Telegraph has published an incisive article acknowledging the importance of the Act. This is an extract from Philip Johnston’s opinion piece: ‘Health and safety has become synonymous with nanny statism, interfering jobsworths, ludicrous litigation and […]
Construction Operative Prosecuted
A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation has led to a construction site worker being prosecuted after he struck a colleague on the head with the bucket on a digger. The investigation found he had been using a mobile phone whilst operating the excavator on a building site in Milton Keynes. The defendant was ordered […]
Violence at Work
The killing of teacher, Ann Maguire has highlighted the rising concern over workplace violence. Mrs Maguire, who was due to retire in a few months, died from multiple stab wounds. The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) 2012/13, found that 323, 000 adults of working age in employment experienced work related violence including threats […]
Young Persons in the Workplace
Many young persons are looking to work placements or starting work this summer. Introducing young people to the world of work can help them understand the work environment, choose future careers or prepare for employment. We need young people to be offered opportunities to develop new skills and gain experience across the world of work. […]
In addition to the reporting requirements under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), that are reportable by most industries, a number of Dangerous Occurrences (DO) are specific to quarries = these are set out in Part 3 of the Schedule (paragraphs 47-53) and are listed below: – Collapse of a […]
The Quarries Regulations 1999 aim to protect those working at a quarry and others who may be affected by quarrying activities, eg those living, passing or working nearby, or visitors to the site. The second edition has been revised to update legal references and to clarify the guidance on a small number of issues. The […]
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