We are pleased to announce we have reached a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with Heriot Watts University.
This agreement enables Compass to deliver the first 3 modules of the MSc programme in Safety and Risk Management. This course aims to provide learners with advanced knowledge of risk assessment techniques, perception of risk, and how decisions are made in competitive business markets. The programme focuses on practical applications of safety methodologies, ergonomics and human factors, and safety and risk management techniques.
The specific modules Compass will deliver on are:
- Human Factors
- Learning from Disasters
- Risk Assessment and Safety Management
These first three modules will form the foundation for the Level 7 Risk and Safety Management Degree Apprenticeship. Learners will then continue with the program at Heriot Watt University for the remaining MSc modules and dissertation. All elements of the programme will be online to reflect the growing need for a flexible approach to learning, responding to employers and individual’s needs.
Graham Kearsley, Lead Tutor, says – “This is amazing, I will have the opportunity to work with the Apprentices on best practice ideas, picking up good habits in preparation for dissertation research. As always, I will combine my practical health and safety experience with years of teaching at level 7 to give appropriate tutor support.”
Dr Sandhya Patidar, Associate Professor at Heriot Watts University, says – ‘This new collaboration between Heriot-Watt University and Compass is the first milestone with a common aim to facilitate an outstanding student learning experience. At Heriot-Watt University, you’re able to work at your own pace and choose when and where you study. We are the pioneer of online learning for professionals for over 20 years, and our excellent teaching team is excited and looking forward to working with you.’
For more information on this fully funded programme please visit. https://compass-ms.co.uk/level-7-risk-safety-management-apprenticeship-degree/