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Across the UK, work-related stress accounts for over half (57%) of all working days lost to ill health. In the last 12 months, over 600 000 workers reported suffering from stress, depression or anxiety, caused or made worse by work.



At Compass, we believe that employee mental health and wellbeing needs to be part of any successful business’ health and safety plan. Think about it this way – how can you expect your business to thrive if the people at the heart of it aren’t?

By taking a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, organisations will benefit from:

–              more engaged and motivated staff

–              a reduction in absence and the associated costs

–              increased productivity and staff retention

–              improved professional reputation

–              more satisfied customers


How can we identify workplace stress?

Workplace stress is a part of every day life and cannot be avoided entirely, but when demand exceeds our workforce’s capabilities that is when we must act. It is also important to do a stress risk assessment to identify what could be a potential risk in relation to stress at work, and steps you can take to address this risk. Workplace stress becomes more of a problem in situations where employees are struggling at work, or are having problems outside work that affect them while at work. Some signs and symptoms can include:

–              Tiredness and loss of concentration

–              Absenteeism

–              Discord between teams

–              Self-medication which can include alcohol and drugs

Untreated and unmanaged, workplace stress can lead to anxiety and depression. In worse case scenarios it can lead to people having issues with suicidal thoughts, self harm, and even suicide itself.


What can you do if you notice your workforce suffering?

If you notice signs or symptoms of workplace stress it is important to take action immediately. Talk to the individuals, talk to the team, talk to anyone who is struggling. Just by listening, you may be able to help take away some of the stress the employee is feeling and get to the root of the problem. In other cases, the employee may benefit from counselling sessions.

If you are interested in learning more about having a positive influence on wellbeing in your workplace, why don’t you take a look at our range of wellbeing courses.

Our wellbeing courses are designed to build both team and individual resilience and to help staff members return to and maintain a state of positive mental wellbeing.

A Level 2 First Aid for Mental Health course will provide underpinning knowledge and understanding of the principles of first aid for mental health, and will help you to know the basic tools to listen to individuals who require first response support for their mental health.

We also regularly schedule the one day NEBOSH Working With Wellbeing course, which is particularly relevant to HR specialists, health and safety professionals, and those with people management responsibilities.

Both courses are held at Compass House in Chorley – for more info please call 03333 580340 or email info@compass-ms.co.uk. If you would like to attend either of these courses, but cannot make the dates specified, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to find out more dates or arrange a bespoke booking!