In addition to the reporting requirements under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), that are reportable by most industries, a number of Dangerous Occurrences (DO) are specific to quarries = these are set out in Part 3 of the Schedule (paragraphs 47-53) and are listed below:
– Collapse of a storage bunker
-Sinking of any water borne craft or hovercraft
-Incidents where any substance is projected beyond the designated danger zone during a blast, OR where anyone either was or might have been injured by the projected material (whether inside or outside the designated danger zone).
-Misfires as defined by the Quarries Regulations 1999
-Any event which indicates that a tip (to which the QR apply) is or is likely to become insecure. Note: This includes where a tip becomes, or might well become, insecure because of fire.
-Movement or failure of excavated slopes or faces having the potential to cause the death of any person or adversely affecting any building, area of public access or adjoining land.
-Explosion or fire in a large vehicle or mobile plant (dumper over 50t capacity or excavator over 5m3 bucket capacity) that prevents it from being used for more than 24hrs and affects either a place where people normally work or an exit route from such a place.
Additional guidance on quarry specific RIDDOR requirements is available in GS5 published by the Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee (QNJAC).