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Achievements to be Proud of for our Apprentice Learners
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We asked three of our apprentice learners from three different industries if there was anything they had achieved during the apprenticeship they were particularly proud of. Read on to find out what they had to say…
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Gary M (aged 60), Level 4 Fire Safety Inspector Apprentice
“I suppose how quick I have been able to upload all the evidence on to the new OneFile system introduced by Compass, also having a great team behind me. Thanks to Graham and Debbie for your support.”
Gary J (aged 52), Level 3 Safety, Health & Environment Technician Apprentice
“When i first started as a H&S officer within the NHS the covid pandemic was only just beginning. I was immediately sent out to undertake training to become a FFP3 mask fitter for the Trust. On completion of this training I was tasked with the enormous challenge of mask fitting as many front-end staff as possible and become a fundamental part of the covid task group. The trust where I work has circa 7500 staff so extra mask fitters where immediately required to ensure staff safety and provide business continuity.
“This period of my career will always remain within my thoughts and has made me so grateful to have made it through a very challenging situation while gaining confidence in the most stressful of circumstances.”
This happened so quickly after just starting my new role as safety officer I was completely out of my comfort zone and this exposed me to some of the most challenging and stressful times of my life. When I now reflect back on the role as a face fit tester, it exposed me to the wider higher senior management/government network which is crucial in the daily functioning of a large hospital straining to contain the soaring covid cases which were entering the different hospital departments. This period of my career will always remain within my thoughts and has made me so grateful to have made it through a very challenging situation while gaining confidence in the most stressful of circumstances.
Throughout my apprenticeship i have still retained my mask fitting duties and they remain a part of my job role to this day, whether it be advice or actual fittings for new staff.”
Daniel (aged 34), Level 4 Fire Safety Inspector Apprentice
“A new understanding for fire risk/ fire safety and how to prevent fires in most environments. I feel like I am much more aware, competent, diligent and able to spot fire risks with much more precision.”
Interested in how you could achieve more within your career using an apprenticeship? Email info@compass-ms.co.uk or call 03333580340 today!