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The transition period for leaving the EU ends at the end of this month and from January 1st 2021 new health and safety workplace regulations will come into force.

Significantly, most health and safety regulations that come from Europe and govern safety in the workplace take the form of European Directives. European Directives must  be implemented by each member state by either primary or secondary legislation.  As a consequence, much of what seems to be British law actually implements law that was decided at a European level.

The laws put in place because of European Directives will continue to be a part of both Scottish and English law until specifically repealed.  Much of the UK health and safety law was enacted under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 which will remain in force.

The key message from the HSE is that managing risk remains key and your responsibilities whether as an employer, employee, contractor, designer, supplier or landlord remain the same.

Below is a summary of the key changes for the following industries:


Supply of equipment and machinery
